"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Friday, July 26, 2024

Flourishing Season!

To everyring there is a time and a season to plant, to water and to harvest. God is creating an opportunity for you to flourish before those who tried to destroy you.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September To Remember!

 What a sunny summer it has been school break, vacation, family gathering s and lots of fun in the summer. Relaxing at the beach and enjoying every moment making new memories was a delightful experience to remember. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

A Mother's Love!

 The love of a mother goes deeper than the oceans depth and longer than the greatest yard. Its more than diapers, trinkets and tangible things that will fade away. It penetrates time because it has no end. It's the ability to see beyond what is told or spoken, but the discipline to live in silence to give growth to choices and healing through the pain of consequences. It is its own reward to see what you've planted blossom into what thrives and survive the storms this life will bring to each one. A woman of many virtues teaching virtue through the virtuous living of8 the most adverse  times.  Thank you for your sacrifice Mom, for not wavering on the purpose of motherhood. For standing up for us, kneeling in prayer over us and staying beside us through all that needed nurturing, supporting  and healing along the way. I love you mom!




* Sending  peace, joy and comfort to those who celebrate and honor, yet grieve, their moms on this day. Let them find solace in great memories of them, in Jesus name Amen!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Spring Of Life!

May the peace and joy of spring blossom like flowers. May the rains of life wash away the things that try to consume our hearts and minds. Let new life arise within our borders of the one who came to save us, rescue us and empower is for the journey ahead.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Know All Things!

 Don't allow yourself to turn away from God because things aren't working out the way that you've planned or wanted them too. Know that all things work together for your good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose, JUST BELIEVE!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Happy New Year!

Soar to new heights this year.

Be present in every opportunity.

Impact lives to never be the same.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

My Letter To Santa!

 Dear Santa!

It's another year 

and they say 

you're coming with some  gifts and much needed cheer. 


based on your history, 

some would disagree 

for we've seen some discrepancies in the past. 

We've now entered the season 

that is suppose to offer so much joy, 


for some 

it's to only end up with not even a toy. 

As we sit in crowded rooms 

with the hope of engaging with friends of old, 

to simply sit in a crowded room alone. 

Tapping our feet to some of the greatest tunes 

from way back when, 

as the clock slowly ticks and ticks by 

as we say to ourselves "I'll be leaving soon". 

The excitement of those familiar voices in the distance, 

we can hear them moving towards us, 

closer then closer 

and eventually passing beyond our ears reach. 

Something you never get use to, 

but we adjust to 

for that's the lesson life continues to teach. 

Seeing with a broken view 

a constant flow of sounds, streams and streets of lights 

that light up the nights sky. 


the light of those ole eyes keep passing and passing us by. 

That gleam in their eyes 

as we we see each other at first glance.

Seem to be missing an important component 

that comes with that holiday welcome stance.

The unraveling  of paper 

as we wait with anticipation of whether 

they even like what they received. 

Seeing the visual gift of seeing those 

silent gestures, expressions and body language 

are the simple gifts we no longer have the pleasure to receive. 

Those smiles that light up our hearts. 

The joy that comes from every scream of expectation 

of what is inside each gift, 

we can only use our imagination of what that looks like. 

The shimmer from decorations from ceiling to floor 

only come to life when the chime of bells ring 

or someone insists on bringing you to the mistletoe. 

Filling trays of baked cookies and pouring a glass of milk 

to say thank you for what we anticipated that you'll bring 

just to wake another year and of course come short once again.

So Dear Santa, don't leave any unwanted treats for us this coming year 

But more compassion, love, empathy for others as human beings. To cherish time, space and energy of all those we hold near.

Not focusing on limitations or inabilities, looking beyond our differences to embrace our similarities the more. 

Let us be blessed with the gift of observation to see those often overlooked during the holiday season 

Who live next door to us, across the street and around the corner

For this gives this sesson real purpose and meaning. As we look beyond the gifts we have no more Santa

or you'll be banned from the next season this time next year Santa dear.
~Author C Wells 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Run No More!

 No matter how far and how fast you run, you can never run away from God's reach. Grateful for the opportunity to minister in dance again.







Wednesday, July 20, 2022

First Steps!

  Life is about expanding, experiencing and extending yourself beyond limited thinking.  Success is not defined by the accomplishing,  But acquiring the necessary skills and confidence to keep going. Today is about experiencing new things, new territories and new terrain. Thank you Lord for the confidence to take those first steps.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Journey!

  With any new journey there are lessons to be learned and assign it to be fulfilled.  They say the journey of a 1000 miles begins with a very 1st step step. Choose today to take positive steps forward That will inspire, motivate and encourage you to continue on your journey.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Self Awareness

 Recognizing that your worth begins and ends with you is the first priority. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Hope for tomorrow!

 The hardest part of letting go, is that the heart and mind are never on the same page. Everyday you wake up with the same prayer " God help me to release the things that ai can't control." The reality is that there are no script or pre-planned itenirary to guide you through those steps. You have to put your trust and hope in someone greater than yourself if you want to succeed. Thank you Lord for being that hope and security even when I didn't see my way out.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Dream Continues

Like the call upon the wind to cease while sounding, “Peace! Be still!,” we can hear the voices so clear of our ancestors who came before us. The cries of oppression and injustice from those who came before us that fill the morning’s crisp air rest still upon the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, as we stand together collectively in brotherhood and in solidarity, searching for the pursuit of happiness promised to us by birthright.

Yet, with discipline and dignity, we hold fast and true to the hope of change, as we fight non-violently to be free Americans, clinging to the truths that are called “self-evident,” that all men are equal. All this while viewing the evidence of the actions of so many that let us know we are still waiting for true equality of life, liberty and the rights that come with that pursuit. 

Nearly sixty years later and we’re still seeking the privilege of the rights we sought, marched, protested, and endured so much for. No matter how far we have come, we still have so much farther to go. It is an astonishing realization that we are still waiting for the promise of the dream. We are still facing immeasurable challenges that keep us from achieving the dream.

When is the time? At what season will the tables turn? When does the fierce urgency become now? When will the dream no longer be a dream, but the reality in which we live? How long do we continue to stand in the shadows waiting for change to come, hoping leaders will make decisions that are based on a shared concept of good will for all people?

Standing on the shoulders of those who came before us, holding onto their hope for a better tomorrow, now our hope for our own children, we are still watching brutal injustices on city streets. Blatant disregard for human life viewed on news feeds is a daily occurrence. We see the handiwork of discrimination and bias in the verdicts that are played out in courtrooms — like a well-cast reality show. Having to continually explain why our lives matter as if it’s not known that all lives do. When will America the beautiful see the beauty in all her citizens?

When will the blurred lines between just and unjust laws not be bias against persons of color?

When will we finally walk down that honorable road that culminates in equal justice for those victimized twice by the very system that is supposed to protect us? Dr. King reminds us that justice too long delayed is justice denied.

We’re not looking at signs of public separation, but the separation of the public is clearly a sign we still see. When will our reality allow all of us to join in the same conversation? When do we experience the change of equality and justice for all of us, rather than the whispers of silence we so often hear as our brothers, sons and children continue to be murdered because of what is deemed to be the privilege of the privileged?

We chase down the image of what the dream was supposed to be because we believe in the promises of what our forefathers said we could obtain. It is the quality, not the longevity, of our lives that is important. No longer can we sit by and watch anyone’s quality of life be diminished because of discrimination, segregation and injustice.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” must be at the forethought of every person.

How will you choose to make your life matter in the movement for civil rights, equality, justice and freedom? The life and legacy of Dr. King is a true representation that one person can make a difference. That legacy, and that promise, still belong to us.

Monday, January 10, 2022

New Beginnings!

  So often the best step to take is to put you first.  As the calendar have moved forward, now is the time for you to put your best foot forward. Begin by starting with improving yourself, loving yourself and supporting yourself to be the best version of you in 2022.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Self Love

 Loving yourself is the key to putting your best self forward. Teaching others how to treat you is the standard all should follow.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

In Tough Times!

 It's in the toughest of times that you know how strong you really are. That which comes to destroy you is the very thing that will strengthen you.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Living Life!

 Life is for the living! Showing up for yourself everyday is the best thing that you can do to kickstart your day. It's easy to get consumed by your willingness to pursue your dreams and aspirations, to help others and most assuredly to fulfill the passions of your heart's causes. Such gratifying ways to n utilize your time, but what about YOU. Learning to find balance along the journey is the key. Taking care of your personal  health and wellness, relaxing and enjoying the fruits of your own labor is vital. Create space and a plan of action to celebrate you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

New Endings!

 It's hard to image yourself standing at the door of transition. Only because at every high and low of a thing, you envision yourself going through, not going to something. The favor of God to carry and complete His work is a glorious thing. Never see the ending as over, but the bridge to a new beginning.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

His Hands!

 In everything, look for God's hand in it. He is a way maker, promise keeper, healer and hope in times of trouble. Never doubt Him, He has you in the palm of his hands.

Sunday, February 21, 2021


 A person will go hard for the people, things and causes that are important to them and that they're passionate about. It's when they stop caring that you should be concerned of it's relevence in their life!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

His Mercy!

 Be excited and encouraged for every new opportunity, challenge and door that opens and closes this year. God has promised that the favor and grace of His mercy will abound this year in a manner you can't even imagine.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Unfolding Plan!

When you allow God to do the navigating, you give way to His plan unfolding in your favor.  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thankful Thanksgiving!

 2020, This has been a year of years, so many things have happened along the way. Many have declared this to be the worse year for them and I can admit that I've experienced so much that has devastated me along the way. From double digit deaths of so many of my family and friends which is hard enough. Dealing with my ever changing blindness and so much more. Yet inspite of it all, I can still say Thank You Lord, you've still been good to me. Through all I've endured God still has allowed this to be one of the best years that I've had it a few years and I am grateful. He has continued to use me in the midst of a pandemic. He has not allowed my faith to diminish at all, but to increase the more. He has open new doors that He may get the glory inspite of the tactics of people. He has created new opportunities for me to share His GOOD NEWS and for these reasons I'm blessed!!! #2021CANONLYGETBETTER

Friday, October 30, 2020

Times Like These!

Tis the season to be jolly. For unto to us the birth of our savior was given. What should be a festive time of celebration and joy, but around every corner is the death of so much more. No matter where we look around the globe there is massive chaos and calamity, the epidemic of this catastrophic pandemic and the continued brewing injustices that plague not just one but all of our communities.

 People rushing to sip on their daily dose of fake news, instead of tapping into power and authority of the good news. Government officials playing Russian roulette with Humanity to further their personal agendas. Even the church has fallen short of helping to sustain the strength of souls because of its inability to come together to unite for one cause, the equal rights of all people.

 Yet in the midst of all cultural biases, financial hardships, communities collapsing, declining employment and the increasing number of iniquities in this country continue. In the midst of all we come to say "The only way to make America great is to give way to the God that created it". Born in a lowly place to walk amongst us that we be given an opportunity to rise up as overcomers of faith even in times like these. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 With every rising of the sun, let the joy of your heart fill your spirit and put a smile on your face.

Monday, August 3, 2020

No Matter!

No matter what, You’ve got to believe that God is ordering your steps.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Cherish the day!

Take the time to cherish those that willing support you and the purpose that God has places in you. Know that what He has assigned you to do, He'll give you the ability to do. Everyday is another opportunity to get better and to go farther.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


You ever picked up something and instantly knew that this load was too heavy to carry. Could it be the excitement of what you would be carrying still had you thinking that you were able to lift. Womanhood is same way, there is no training manuel that you get issued or prerequisite classes to take to get you ready. However, with the excitement of the many things to come you simply geel you can handle it. So you go full force at it doing tour best, managing through failures, delays and successes the best way you know how. Moving the best way you can and with the resources and abilities you have to offer. No matter what in the end you still face the the chattering whispers and undertones how how maybe your marriage didnt work, your children doing this or that, how yow should do this or why is that. Never an appreciation for the good of what you've done or if anything the fact that you didnt just give up on life or yourself. Just left to feel like your whole life is one big failure, nothing is ever right or that you weren't good enough. What a heavy load that comes to remind you at every holiday with the silence of not a card, gift or even a word of thanks or appreciation. Womanhood, no one said it would be this way. That we would dedicate and sacrifice our whole life to families, spouses, children, homes, and careers to reflected uponas a mere casualty of your very own choices to be there for so many others. Rest assured God sees and loves you for who you are. He knew from your day of conception what your eyes view would be . Take comfort in knowing that He built you to handle everything that has crossed your path. Today we celebrate you for the charge you accepted and took on. We applaud your efforts to persevere all things with His help.
Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Covering Mine!

Growing up as a preacher's kid came with it's own challenges and sacrifices. One thing my parents taught us outside of values, morals and faith was the importance of our choices (good or bad) and that they have consequences. No matter how great they were, we still had to learn from life.
 As a parent, you pray and trust God that you've given them all of what they need to be responsible, caring and  successful human beings.
 Lord, I pray for everyone that come in contact with mine. If they don't bring value and positive energy that align with God's will for their lives, that their presence be short in Jesus name AMEN.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Take Notice!

When you recognize your own worth and value, others can't help but to take notice.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Painted Plan

Just because a person doesn't fit in the image you've painted in your mind. Doesn't mean that they do not fit in the picture of God's plan

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Self Reflection!

Sometimes the best thing you can do is all that you can do. Life will always bring challenges, trials and situations that will often be out of your control. One thing that will remain is that you have a choice, a choice to keep going to become your best self. In the times that we are alone we must reflect of positive and to motivate ourselves.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Like petals that bloom into besuty and wither away one at a time.  So it is with a lie that can't grow, it sits there to fall away. Nothing build on unstable ground can be sustained.  Learn to walk in truth and integrity with every step.

Monday, January 6, 2020

With Clear Vision

Dear Lord, Help me to keep my eyes on you, even when I don't see as you. Msy you go before me clearing the pathway for victory in jesus name Amen.

Friday, December 27, 2019

A Year's Miracle

Although this year has drifted by very quickly, like most, you can't help to reflect on the progress or maybe the lack of progress this year has taken. Trying to remain connected and committed tò those things that are important to you. Some challenges and obstacles hàve come, but more blessings and victories did also. I'm so very grateful for the miracle of this year no matter how others see it. In the beginning of the year, I was told that by year's end I would not have any vision. With only four days left I say to you don't look at me, but look at God. What a mighty God I serve!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Restoration This Season!

Noone wanta to every be that person that feels like a burden to your family. Although ĺife can bring many unexpected challenges that we don't plan on. It's hard enough adjusting to things out of our control. Know that everyone needs an outlet and everyone want to feel loved and àppreciated. My prayer is that this is the year for renewal and restoration. That God restore the peace and joy for living through the holiday season. That anxiety, loneliness, sorrow and depression will not be your portion this year in Jesus name.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Awareness Month

October is Blindness Awareness Month, the importance of maintaining Eye Care, prevention and treatments is so important to the early detection of those concerns that cause vision loss. 285 persons worldwide are visually impaired and 39 million are totally blind. What is your status? Have you taking the steps to ensure that you have the best eye care possible. See your doctor today!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Path

When you allow peace to lead the way, the path is made clearer.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Rise Again!

We often ask God to use us thinking that He will use what He has placed in us to take center stage. When in fact He uses the pain in our life to be the stage others see. God is saying to us that everything that occurs, lost or seems gone, that in the right moment will rise again.

Monday, June 3, 2019


It is amazing how at the turn of the dial time passes and as time passes you see the evolution of the new caregiver. See the moment that we become parents I thought process change our actions change and ultimately our goals change. We are now thrust into a moment where we realize that it is not about us, but about someone else our child. Thrust into thinking how can we make life better for this little being they got his now blessed us with. How can we become better then they may be better in the end. Putting our desires, goals and dreams on the back burner because we now have to do what is best for this little individual. A new world of love that causes us to want to give them our best. Yet at the turn of the dial and 18 years later you realize that you're back where you started, by yourself. Hoping that everything you put into them will be reciprocated later on when maybe you can't do for yourself. Just to realize that the little person that you put your whole world into has left you to fend this world alone. The responsibilities of a caregiver is not just for parents to take care of children they bring it to the world but ultimately the responsibility spell those same children to do the same when their parents arrived at an age where they can no longer operate in Independence. The unfortunate thing is that there's a generation that feels an entitlement to everything that parents have to give them. Yet they have no sense of responsibility to provide the same amount of care to those that took care of them. God bless those that go over and Beyond to just do what is right not because they are forced to but because they simply love those that God has given them.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


I used to believe that being a good person, wife and mother would be it's own reward, until life happens. Then you slowly began to see that there is always someone that thinks they can do it better and be better than you. Until you realize that if you're not giving as much you slowly become irrelevant. No one understands the level of grief that comes with a lost because to them you should just get over it. So often those you surround your life around are the first to make you feel alone. It is then that you struggle to keep the God that has kept you your focus.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Many people say that they want change, but refuse to change their behaviours that keep them going in the same circle. Change comes when you have a change of in mindset to seek God first and then put yourself first.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Declaring Victory!

Declare that this is your season to walk in victory. You shall overcome anything that hinders your walk with God. Favor, Finances and family will be blessed because of your faithfulness and prayer to trust God in the midst of what's going on around you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rocking My Flaws!

Sometimes we just have to encourage ourselves to trust God to send us someone genuine and with integrity to love you inspite of our flaws.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


When no one else thinks that you're important,
When no one else wants you, k
Know that God says that you are worthy and important to Him

Friday, January 11, 2019

Seek Him!

Take rest in The Lord and seek Him for guidance, direction and instruction. Now is the time to separate yourselves from those that are not seeking to go in the same direction The Lord is directing you. God has anointed you to walk a certain path, but everyone is not assigned to go with you. Isaiah 55:6

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

His Sacrifice!

Born into this world that we may be reborn in Christ to live with Him forever. Jesus is truly the reason for the season!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


The inevitable chance that we will never make a mistake is impossible. However, the good news is that Christ has redeemed us from the penalty of those mistakes.    This means that not only can He deliver us from them, but give us freedom from them. The power of His redemption can surely break every chain of bondage if we would only surrender our will over to His. Isaiah 43:1-2

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

31 Days

Wow, God is sooo amazing! Can you believe that I am 31 days away from celebrating 10 years of ministry. This journey has been such a humbling experience. God has helped me to see myself as He does. He's given me many opportunities through so many avenues to express faithfully in love with service, with advocacy and with my gifts passionately in excellence to His word with detail of how great He is to me and so many others. He hasn't been just one thing in my life, but a plethora of things. Join me over the next 31 days to see what they are. Today it may be me, but one day you may need Him to be for you.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

New Doors!

God will bless you in front of your enemies, Sustain you in front of those that put their mouth on you, but He will also open doors for you and create opportunities in front of them that stood in silence to never support you, especially when there was nothing for them to gain.