"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Friday, February 24, 2012


Whatever you're going through!
Whatever has happened!
Whatever you're dealing with!
Whatever took place!
Whatever they did!
Whatever your decision was!
whatever the choice they made!
whatever comes your way!
know that FORGIVENESS can change the direction of what was to make it what GOD has planned it to be. Understand that HE LOVES YOU and when you forgive others and yourself for the route that you've journeyed you will find peace, hope and wholeness to walk in the power of His unconditional and forgiving love.
He is working all things out for our good that He be glorified.See More

Monday, February 6, 2012

Empty Room!!!

It's one thing to be in an empty room and know you're alone, but it's another to be in a crowded room and still have that same feeling. This journey has taken us through many places, meet lots of folks along the way, traveled through some seasons and for different reasons left some behind. One thing that we am assured of that continually keeps us pressing and moving forward in hope that He has nev...er left our side. Although it may have felt or seemed so, He was there all the time. I may not know what the future holds for us in this next season of our life but we know that He is yet holding us in His hands. Lord help us to stay strong for you this day would come. Help us not to get weary in well doing and remain steadfast in you