"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Self Reflection!

Sometimes the best thing you can do is all that you can do. Life will always bring challenges, trials and situations that will often be out of your control. One thing that will remain is that you have a choice, a choice to keep going to become your best self. In the times that we are alone we must reflect of positive and to motivate ourselves.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Like petals that bloom into besuty and wither away one at a time.  So it is with a lie that can't grow, it sits there to fall away. Nothing build on unstable ground can be sustained.  Learn to walk in truth and integrity with every step.

Monday, January 6, 2020

With Clear Vision

Dear Lord, Help me to keep my eyes on you, even when I don't see as you. Msy you go before me clearing the pathway for victory in jesus name Amen.