"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Life's Reward

This life will have you assuming that you will get that in which you give out of  yourself. However, Eternal life in Christ assures us that we will / we shall reap that in which we sow. Often I'm asked why I do all of which I do Inspite of not getting the support that man thinks that I should. Yet my answer remains the same "Because it is what GOD has called, chosen and assigned for me to do". Don't let the lack of appreciatuon, applause or even genuine support keep you from blessing the King. It is through our simplest of time, talents and treasure that we were created to please Him in our adoration, praise, thanksgiving and worship into Him. So many flock to the House of worship looking to find value from people who don't have a heaven or hell to put them in. Burning themselves out to please the masses and not the Master. Don't allow what you give to be dwindled because you're looking at what someone else is giving. Time is out for showcase in the temple, may the life we live speak for us everywhere. If we are to make change in this world, make change in your home first. No longer can we allow God ls image to be distorted because the person you want others to see if you in the temple dont match who you really are in private. God is watching not just your words and actions, but He's watching the heart. Stop straddling the fence and wondering why things are out of control. Choose this day whom you will serve and see the greater rewards that await for you.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Under Construction!

When you allow yourself to be governed by the flesh, you cause your own self destruction. Take God at His Word an give it all to Him. Let Him make you His MASTERPIECE, for that is what He specializes in. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

His View!

Sometimes you have to look at it from the other person's point of view, past your own view and then through the eyes of Christ. Don't always assume that your way is right just as others need to see that yours isn't always wrong. God's plan is not ours but learning to trust His over our own takes faith and discipline. 