"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Monday, June 3, 2019


It is amazing how at the turn of the dial time passes and as time passes you see the evolution of the new caregiver. See the moment that we become parents I thought process change our actions change and ultimately our goals change. We are now thrust into a moment where we realize that it is not about us, but about someone else our child. Thrust into thinking how can we make life better for this little being they got his now blessed us with. How can we become better then they may be better in the end. Putting our desires, goals and dreams on the back burner because we now have to do what is best for this little individual. A new world of love that causes us to want to give them our best. Yet at the turn of the dial and 18 years later you realize that you're back where you started, by yourself. Hoping that everything you put into them will be reciprocated later on when maybe you can't do for yourself. Just to realize that the little person that you put your whole world into has left you to fend this world alone. The responsibilities of a caregiver is not just for parents to take care of children they bring it to the world but ultimately the responsibility spell those same children to do the same when their parents arrived at an age where they can no longer operate in Independence. The unfortunate thing is that there's a generation that feels an entitlement to everything that parents have to give them. Yet they have no sense of responsibility to provide the same amount of care to those that took care of them. God bless those that go over and Beyond to just do what is right not because they are forced to but because they simply love those that God has given them.