"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Sunday, November 23, 2014

God is with us!

In the midst of storms, through times of battle and over every obstacle. When family is not there for you, when love ones walk away, with fake friends all around and even your church family are not there to pray for you. GOD has been with us every second, thru every minute, of every hour in each and every day. We walk boldly with our head held high because He allowed that which sought to destroy us not to defile us. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Your Season!!

Time has past so quickly and it seems that much hasn't changed from the beginning of the year. Focus not on where you were, but where you are now. It's not the things haven't changed. But that your focus hasnt. This is your season for chsnge, deliverance and breakthru. Don't start the new the same way. Look to do things anew because God m asked all things new.