"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Friday, May 29, 2015

Just Worship!

There's nothing greater than your intimate time in worship with the Lord. ALL I can say is God will do just what He said He will do. He's gonna fulfill EVERY promise to you. Don't give up on God because He won't give up on you". When tears streaming down, when the light of day is getting dim, as your strength seems to fail. God's love for us reminds us that there is nobody greater and that He is able!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Success is not predicated on your ability to give directives, but you ability to lead by example. Don't assume thst your great because of the quantity of folk following you, but by the quality of folk alongside you. You can think that you're hurting others thru isolation and ignoring them, but you dig your own pit that way. In the end, if you don't adhere to God's will you'll spiral to your own downfall. Release your issues to God and really go forward.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Your season is now!

It's your season of grace and favour to reap what you've sown. Such a powerful verse, many want God's grace and blessings, but put no thought into the seeds that they sow. Don't allow seeds of hatred, manipulation, unforgiceness, bitterness, intimidation be the ones that you sow. Apply God's word to your life, love like Christ and walk in His likeness and reap the rewards of blessings.