"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Friday, December 27, 2019

A Year's Miracle

Although this year has drifted by very quickly, like most, you can't help to reflect on the progress or maybe the lack of progress this year has taken. Trying to remain connected and committed tò those things that are important to you. Some challenges and obstacles hàve come, but more blessings and victories did also. I'm so very grateful for the miracle of this year no matter how others see it. In the beginning of the year, I was told that by year's end I would not have any vision. With only four days left I say to you don't look at me, but look at God. What a mighty God I serve!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Restoration This Season!

Noone wanta to every be that person that feels like a burden to your family. Although ĺife can bring many unexpected challenges that we don't plan on. It's hard enough adjusting to things out of our control. Know that everyone needs an outlet and everyone want to feel loved and àppreciated. My prayer is that this is the year for renewal and restoration. That God restore the peace and joy for living through the holiday season. That anxiety, loneliness, sorrow and depression will not be your portion this year in Jesus name.