"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Monday, July 15, 2013

We Shall Not Be Moved!!!

What an awesome and amazing time we had in Orlando, Florida with the NAACP ACT SO competition and the opening of the NAACP Convention. Not only was this an informative time for us, but with the recent verdict return from Sanford it is a true and relevant example as to why we need the NAACP even now in 2013. Land of the free, where we have been rooted by faith and to obey the laws of the land. Or does this apply to some and not all? Where those are sworn to protect and serve give instruction to stay in your vehicle and not pursue, yet others continue with their own agenda and its ok. A place where young people aren't safe to walk in their own neighborhood with being followed because they look a certain way. Is this the America we now live in order is out and disorder is the method of madness? Regardless we, the believers know who is in control and in spit of adversary or controversy WE WILL STAND OUR GROUND for peace, justice and equality.

Thanks to my SUPPORTERS!!!

Thanks again to my supporters and followers that continue to follow my daily posting on Facebook. we are working on the issues that have affected the daily posting on the blog, but know that you can follow on Facebook.

Stay Blessed because you're already BLESSED!!!!