"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Friday, December 27, 2019

A Year's Miracle

Although this year has drifted by very quickly, like most, you can't help to reflect on the progress or maybe the lack of progress this year has taken. Trying to remain connected and committed tò those things that are important to you. Some challenges and obstacles hàve come, but more blessings and victories did also. I'm so very grateful for the miracle of this year no matter how others see it. In the beginning of the year, I was told that by year's end I would not have any vision. With only four days left I say to you don't look at me, but look at God. What a mighty God I serve!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Restoration This Season!

Noone wanta to every be that person that feels like a burden to your family. Although ĺife can bring many unexpected challenges that we don't plan on. It's hard enough adjusting to things out of our control. Know that everyone needs an outlet and everyone want to feel loved and àppreciated. My prayer is that this is the year for renewal and restoration. That God restore the peace and joy for living through the holiday season. That anxiety, loneliness, sorrow and depression will not be your portion this year in Jesus name.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Awareness Month

October is Blindness Awareness Month, the importance of maintaining Eye Care, prevention and treatments is so important to the early detection of those concerns that cause vision loss. 285 persons worldwide are visually impaired and 39 million are totally blind. What is your status? Have you taking the steps to ensure that you have the best eye care possible. See your doctor today!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Path

When you allow peace to lead the way, the path is made clearer.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Rise Again!

We often ask God to use us thinking that He will use what He has placed in us to take center stage. When in fact He uses the pain in our life to be the stage others see. God is saying to us that everything that occurs, lost or seems gone, that in the right moment will rise again.

Monday, June 3, 2019


It is amazing how at the turn of the dial time passes and as time passes you see the evolution of the new caregiver. See the moment that we become parents I thought process change our actions change and ultimately our goals change. We are now thrust into a moment where we realize that it is not about us, but about someone else our child. Thrust into thinking how can we make life better for this little being they got his now blessed us with. How can we become better then they may be better in the end. Putting our desires, goals and dreams on the back burner because we now have to do what is best for this little individual. A new world of love that causes us to want to give them our best. Yet at the turn of the dial and 18 years later you realize that you're back where you started, by yourself. Hoping that everything you put into them will be reciprocated later on when maybe you can't do for yourself. Just to realize that the little person that you put your whole world into has left you to fend this world alone. The responsibilities of a caregiver is not just for parents to take care of children they bring it to the world but ultimately the responsibility spell those same children to do the same when their parents arrived at an age where they can no longer operate in Independence. The unfortunate thing is that there's a generation that feels an entitlement to everything that parents have to give them. Yet they have no sense of responsibility to provide the same amount of care to those that took care of them. God bless those that go over and Beyond to just do what is right not because they are forced to but because they simply love those that God has given them.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


I used to believe that being a good person, wife and mother would be it's own reward, until life happens. Then you slowly began to see that there is always someone that thinks they can do it better and be better than you. Until you realize that if you're not giving as much you slowly become irrelevant. No one understands the level of grief that comes with a lost because to them you should just get over it. So often those you surround your life around are the first to make you feel alone. It is then that you struggle to keep the God that has kept you your focus.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Many people say that they want change, but refuse to change their behaviours that keep them going in the same circle. Change comes when you have a change of in mindset to seek God first and then put yourself first.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Declaring Victory!

Declare that this is your season to walk in victory. You shall overcome anything that hinders your walk with God. Favor, Finances and family will be blessed because of your faithfulness and prayer to trust God in the midst of what's going on around you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rocking My Flaws!

Sometimes we just have to encourage ourselves to trust God to send us someone genuine and with integrity to love you inspite of our flaws.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


When no one else thinks that you're important,
When no one else wants you, k
Know that God says that you are worthy and important to Him

Friday, January 11, 2019

Seek Him!

Take rest in The Lord and seek Him for guidance, direction and instruction. Now is the time to separate yourselves from those that are not seeking to go in the same direction The Lord is directing you. God has anointed you to walk a certain path, but everyone is not assigned to go with you. Isaiah 55:6