"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Thursday, July 28, 2016

God's Destiny for you!

 What you want for a person will never exist for them until they desire it for themselves. Nothing we do can change God's destiny, but you can alter the direction taken to get there when you dont allow your life to align with God's will.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Nothing can compare to God's imagination and vision. Creativity is a precious gift that only he can give. Everything that you would ever creatively do has already been placed within you. God created Adam in His own image and gave him Eve. Ponder this, God placed him in a place with everything that he needed, gave him the authority to rule over everything in that place, but He also gave him someone just for him that was already in him. From Adam's rib came Eve, already within him. Many people look for things to fill them, complete them and  bring value to them and God is telling you that everything that you need is already within you. Inside of you from the day He created you. If you would allow yourself to fully trust Jehovah Elohim and His ability to reveal His promises to you, you'll see that Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Prosperity, Blessings, Victory, Authority, Happiness and Wholeness are all within you. God did not just create us to be a partner for someone He created us to partner with Him as a whole individual for the kingdom. Our responsibility is not to find relationship then complete our life aspirations  but to find completion  of life in our relationship with God and allow him to develop every other aspect of our life to the point of being fulfilled utilizing the gift that he has given to you. For me I use to feel like I had to subdue my creativity because it intimidated other people until I realize that God's specific assignment for me was to be exactly who He made me to be. Have you reached your full god-given potential? Have you fully understood everything that is within you? Do you believe that everything you ask God for is already there for the drawing.