"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Prayer for Guidance

Great and merciful Lord, search my heart on today. Cleanse me of all unrighteousness that hinder me from dwelling in your presence. May my heart, mind, soul and spirit submit to your will for my life. Help me to examine my self daily. Guide my steps according to your purpose and plan. In this season give me understanding and direction to where you would have me to be positioned. Open my heart and ears that I may hear clearly your voice. Lord grant me continued peace and strength to do what you've called me to do in excellence, with integrity, patience and godly love. Help me Lord to find solace in doors you close and those you remove from my life. Help me to endure all that comes with every new opportunity, challenge and endeavor you present to me. My prayer is that I be a good steward of that in which I am accountable for that you get the glory in Jesus name Amen.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Phenomenal Woman!

Great is the Lord's mercies towards us everyday. Let us rely on his strength and the promises of his word to help us walk upright. Guide our steps and guard our mouth that we Speak Life to every situation, circumstance and issue that arrives. This will be your best year yet as you become phenomenally the Virtuous Woman God has made you to be.

Friday, January 5, 2018


God has the power to open doors that man closes. Never fret that which is out of control because God is in total control.