"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Monday, February 19, 2018

I Love You!

The very being of who He was. The thing that spark creativity and imagery of who we were to be. From the very beginning it connected us like feathers that are drawn to one another, like beams of light that merge into one. Dancing the song of Heaven as he formed us with his love. In the midst of every scarred knee, failure, Broken Heart and every fragmented circumstance that tried to take us out. To the joys of life, family and faith it is the thing that draws closer to him-love. From day one God's love has been there with us, in us and flowing through us with every breath. Yes His love covered us, kept us, and redeemed us. Continually showing us that he loves us. Not to prove of who He is. There's no question that He loves us immensely. We say today that Jesus we love you but the question we ask you is Do you love him?