"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Prayer for loneliness and despair

Heavenly Father, the true lover of our soul hear the cry of your people. Lord for those who are heavy heart and burdened by life’s situations speak to their heart as only you can. Help them to see that it is in you they live and not just exist. Daily be their guide and show them your presence in their loneliness, reveal that they are not alone. Give peace to those you’ve given new direction and peace to those that you’ve released for greater purpose. Clear the vision that is before them that they see your hand in all that has taken place. Many have spent half a lifetime on one pathway and now have been transitioned to not just do the common, but to do things anew. Renew the joy that they feel they have lost, restore the love they feel is missing and refresh their spirit to go after you like none other. Grant them good health to carry on your work in this new season of their life. Lord for every tear that falls Lord I know that you are restoring the joy of your love. Keep their heart, mind and thoughts centered on you. Humble them to use kindness as they extend their hands to others. Let not the celebrations of the past bring them feelings of remorse, doubt and regret for all things you’ve worked for our good.Remove all feelings of loneliness, fear and despair from them that they may live in VICTORY in JESUS name.

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