"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Prayer of Thanks!!!

Heavenly Father I am so very thankful for receiving the perfect gift of you into my life. You've blessed me with so much that words just can't portray. You are so amazing and such an awesome wonder. You're my guiding light that my steps long to follow. As my world turns you are forever present with me. When I was young and restless it was your grace and mercy that covered and kept me. For you knew the day of transition would come for me and even in my anxiety, you give me peace to withstand, hope of your promise to help not harm me and faith to endure to the end. Through life's journey you've kept me humbled, given me patience and strengthen me every step of the way. You are my God and I am your child, whatever your will is; so shall it be resolved for only you know the plans you have for me. Plans not to destroy me, but to prosper and give hope for the future. I pray that every person that you place in my path received what you have for them through me for this is my assignment in JESUS name AMEN!!!

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