"The Father is waiting"

"The Father is waiting"
Choose this day whom ye will serve

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stop, Look and Listen!!!

Today take the time to Stop, Look and Listen. Stop and reflect on the things that have gotten you thus far. Look at the direction in which you are heading. Listen to those that have been successful before you and take heed to what they have accomplished. God is steadily revealing Himself to you, directing you someonewhere specific and purposed you for a unique assignment and yet many have missed t...he mark. Lord help us to not fall prey to the many temptations of this flesh,nor the enticement of the adversary.help us to remain focus as we continue to be the "SOUL WINNING" Example you have favored and graced us to be. You are our daily bread that fills us, the living water that replenishes us, the refuge and protects and Jehovah who shall provide. We honor Dr. Martin Luther King for He fulfilled his God given assignment as a true prophet for all people, but for manythe dream stopped at his speech. He was more that the man with a dream, but one who stirred up in people the will to live better, do better and be better that all would be able to live in peace, harmony and unity. Stop,Look and Listen to your own image in the mirror to see what are doing to ensure that generations know the fight, struggle and purpose of what He did til death that we might live. Just as CHRIST gave His life as ransom that we may be restored with the Father. Dr. Martin Luther King did more, said more and lived more that we would continue the movement of equality and racial injustice, not to dwindle his memory to the repeated sounds of the "I have a dream"speech but take to heart the message in all of his actions, works and words.

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